Oculophilia is a sexual fetish having to do with arousal from or fantasies about eyes. For some, sexual arousal stems from a certain type of eye, for instance, some may prefer eyes that are squinty, large, misaligned, dilated, or eyes of a certain color. Oculolinctus, known casually as worming, is a type of oculophilia involving licking the eyeball. Some believe what makes this activity erotic is the trust required between partners to play with such a delicate part of the body while others regard the eyeball as an erogenous zone. Medical professionals advise against eyeball licking as it can spread bacteria leading to infection or scratch the cornea if debris is inadvertently brought into the eye by the tongue.

Read more at kinkly.com
Related: oculophilia, fetish, eye_fetish, body_part_fetish.
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