Military | Uniform

The uniform fetish, has to do with how sexy different types of uniforms look on people. Those who enjoy uniforms like all different types of get ups. Some prefer military style looks from platoons present and past. Others enjoy firefighter outfits, police uniforms and the gear of authority figures. The uniform fetishes for women tend to be more feminine, with French maids and cheerleader uniforms being the top choices, though anyone can truly wear any uniform they feel sexy in. A lot of the uniform fetish has to do with figures of authority, and some get off on feeling like they are in charge in an official military uniform.


Related: military, uniform_fetish, power_play, role_play, cosplay, fantasy.


The art is created by Apollonia Saintclair , you can support her at “Buy me a coffee” .

And I recommend taking a look at INK IS MY BLOOD collections.

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