Mess fetish
If you would rather avoid the wet spot on the bed, then this kink probably isn’t for you. Mess fetishists enjoy the mess created by sexual fluids, both male and female fluid. They may use the fluids as lubes, to drink, to “paint” on their partner’s body or passing it back and forth orally (snowballing). You might have this fetish if you find arousal when you, or others, become wet and messy from fluids that have nothing to do with someone’s body. This can relate to wet t-shirt contests, food fights, or any other situation where you get messy by fluids and substances that can be poured or put on you.

Related: mess_fetish, hygrophilia, dirtiness, golden_shower, snowballing, semen, cum_eating.
The art is created by Apollonia Saintclair , you can support her at “Buy me a coffee” .
And I recommend taking a look at INK IS MY BLOOD collections.