Interrogation Play
Interrogation play is a form of role play with a BDSM edge. People who are into the kink will take on either the role of the dominant, the person in charge of the interrogation, or the submissive, who is held captive and is withholding a secret. The specifics of the interrogation are down to the individual and their imagination, but a few hypothetical situations can involve a detective interviewing a lead suspect in a criminal case or a villain torturing a secret agent. To gain information or power, the dominant will test the submissive using BDSM toys and tools including restraints, floggers, or sensory deprivation devices like blindfolds. As the play continues, each torture tactic intensifies. Costumes may also be involved to add to the realism of the role play.

Related: interrogation_play, power_play, role_play, imprisonment, humiliation, bondage, domination, submission.
The art is created by Apollonia Saintclair , you can support her at “Buy me a coffee” .
And I recommend taking a look at INK IS MY BLOOD collections.