Bi-comfortable | Same-sex obsession
Bi-comfortable describes individuals who are comfortable with the idea of bisexuality, even though they may not identify as bisexual. Many bi-comfortable individuals may participate in sexual activities with members of the same sex, but they won’t usually go in search of members of the same sex for a relationship, emotional or sexual. One example of this is a person comfortable and willing to participate in a ménage a trois if it would please their partner. Same-sex obsession is an obsession with people of the same sex. For example, some men enjoy lesbian pornography, while women enjoy watching gay pornography.
Related: bi-comfortable, same_sex, lesbian, gay, bisexual, porno, watching.
The art is created by Apollonia Saintclair , you can support her at “Buy me a coffee” .
And I recommend taking a look at INK IS MY BLOOD collections.