Tripsolagnophilia|Massage fetish
Massage fetish. Even if you don’t have a fetish, a sensual massage can be relaxing and it’s good foreplay! Most people know what a massage is, but an erotic massage is slightly different. Usually erotic massage start out just like regular ones but then the massage continues onto the most sensitive bits of the body that most professional massage therapists would skip over. You don’t have to be a professional masseur as is quite easy to massage the pussy, ass or cock and elicit a pleasurable sensation. The nipples are also a favorite erogenous area for an erotic massage.
Related: tripsolagnophilia, massage, erogenous_zones, masturbation, sensory_deprivation, ear_fetish, hand_fetish, manual_stimulation.
The art is created by Apollonia Saintclair , you can support her at “Buy me a coffee” .
And I recommend taking a look at INK IS MY BLOOD collections.